Have you ever wondered why every time you finish off applying your skincare routine, even the most basic one, you feel as if your skin burns or stings?
And you may ask yourself this exact question: ‘why does everything I put on my face burns’?
Well, we are here to kind of answer the question for you. But first I believe that it would be fair enough to divide the article into sections based on the basic steps of a skincare routine -applying cleanser, moisturiser, and sun protection.
You might remember my last post on basic skincare for dry sensitive skin where I talked about the most basic skincare routine for beginners.
However, as simple and effective as your skincare may sound, it may happen that after applying it (and following it step by step) your skin can feel like it is burning, and you may not even know what caused it.
Let’s now briefly look at each one of the steps.
Cleanser: Cleanser that burns the skin: 
Cleansing the face is the first step of a regular skincare routine since it helps get rid of dirt, bacteria and impurities accumulated on the skin.
Some people however can experience the bad side of it and feel like their skin feels uncomfortable.
Perhaps there are two simple answers
- It might be because the cleanser is too harsh for your skin.
- Your skin barrier may be compromised if it is too sensitive for the cleanser.
Further, if you feel a funny sensation after using a cleanser and your skin gets irritated, you should stop using it.
You should note that if you apply a cleanser to your face without considering your skin’s type or pH, you may experience different levels of sensation.
The skin has a naturally acidic pH of around 5.5 which helps the skin feel normal and comfortable. If however, the pH of the skin is compromised, it can result in your skin burning.
In addition, according to Dr Palmer, stated that cleansing wipes can cause your skin to get irritated or experience allergies.
Instead, you should try using a gentler cleanser that is designed for sensitive skin. They are safe and clean and barely irritate the skin.
*Recommended cleanses for dry sensitive skin
Moisturiser: Why does it burn when I apply moisture on my face?
As we might know already, moisturisers are an essential step of our skincare routine, and we should apply them right after washing our face (with a cleanse) to help bring the moisture back.
According to Dr Kapoor, when you use a moisturiser, it forms a barrier on the skin that helps trap moisture. This process, however, can often lead to the skin becoming warm and irritated especially if it’s sensitive.
You should be aware that if your skin is already dry and sensitive, it is more likely to react negatively to certain types of products.
This is especially true if the moisturiser that you are applying to your face contains harsh chemicals and fragrances that may irritate the skin.
If however you experience prolonged redness, inflammation, or break out after use, experts recommend stopping using that moisturiser.
Make sure to stop using the product altogether to allow your skin to settle and heal for a couple of days before considering a different moisturiser.
What is the alternative?
The alternative could be to apply a plant-based moisturiser. Skincare products like these are very effective at keeping and hydrating the skin. One key ingredient that you should look for would be Shea butter which is extremely kind to the skin.
*Best moisturizer for dry sensitive skin- Cerave vs Vanicream vs Cetaphil
*Recommended facial moisturizer for dry sensitive skin according to experts
What should you be aware of?
It is difficult to tell whether you’re allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients. So-called “natural” ingredients derived from fruits, herbs, and essential oils can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some individuals. Glycolic acids, tea tree oil, lavender, chamomile, and retinoids are known to irritate sensitive skin.
Now there may be a contradiction here since in my previous articles I have highlighted how you should look for moisturisers that do have those components in them.
However, if it constantly burns your skin, you should avoid them.
It might be that you suffer from rosacea, or your skin is just looking dry and red regardless of how much moisture you apply.
So, make sure to take this into account.
Sunscreen Protection:
We all should know that sunscreen is one of the healthiest things you should use to protect your skin from the sun. But what if the product itself burns the skin after applying it?
While sunscreen is an essential part of our skincare routine, Dr Palmer from thehealthy.com argues that sunscreen can cause allergic reactions or irritate the skin.
Perhaps this might be a controversial argument since the aim of sunscreen is to protect you from sunburn and this will surely need discussion soon so stay tuned!
Besides, Dr Pipitone, a dermatologist at Northwestern Medical Regional Group, said that if you notice and feel that your skin is burning, no matter how you applied the cream, you should wash it off and stop using it altogether.
What are the possible causes?
One of the most obvious causes might be the use of chemical sunscreen. And although the latter is known for its effectiveness in absorbing the cream fully into the skin, it may irritate people with sensitive skin or among people that have a history of eczema.
One of the best alternatives would be to use a mineral-based sunscreen.
Experts like Dr Carla Burn (a research analyst for EWG in Washington) recommend choosing sunscreen products containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, since these ingredients offer good sun protection and have fewer health concerns associated with them.
*Sunscreen protection Spf for dry sensitive skin
*Best sunscreen for dry sensitive skin according to skin experts
How about additional products?
The same principle and rules go to additional skincare products like face masks, serums, blemishes and so on.
You should immediately wash the product off your face and stop using it if you still feel a burning sensation after applying it.
What causes the general burning sensation? 
Some of the ingredients that are often recommended to people with dry and sensitive skin may contain chemicals or even few natural ingredients that can irritate their skin.
According to experts, although natural products could be an alternative, the latter can also cause irritation or allergies from occurring and can trigger an adverse reaction in some people.
So, if any of this occurs, make sure to check the ingredient label to find out what exactly the product contains.
This should pretty much give you an idea of whether the burning sensation is caused by the product or not.
You should make sure that the products that you are using are natural, plant-based, fragrance-free, if possible. Try to opt for gentler natural products for skincare.
*What if I am using products designed for sensitive skin and still burns?
There might be two reasons for this question:
- Excessive use of the product: Using too much of the product or
- Using it more often than what is recommended
Indeed, according to Dr Keaney, MD board-certified dermatologist, it might be that your skin is experiencing side effects such as slight stinging or burning because of using the products multiple times and the excessive use of them.
*How about a product that you have used before?
If your skin has shown positive signs of a certain product before but then after several uses, your skin starts to burn then it might be a side effect of the product.
This is especially common in patients that have pre-existing skin sensitivity like eczema or rosacea.
Some experts like Dr Palmer would state that while the irritation usually occurs right after applying a product for the first time, the irritation can also occur after years of using the product.
Dr Palmer continued by saying that it is not because the product is bad. Instead, being exposed to a topical product can slowly damage the skin in the long run. To know more, visit thehealthy.com.
Some skin care products can cause more subtle symptoms, such as dryness, flakiness, pimple-like bumps, and uneven skin tone. You may be experiencing irritation due to the harsh ingredients.
And if none of the ‘safer’ alternative products are working or the condition gets worse, then it might be that it is time for you to consult a dermatologist or skin expert to help you find better advice or treatment.
To summarise, if you feel a slight burning sensation that fades after a few seconds and does not cause redness or irritation, this might be a sign that the product is working. But if it persists, you should stop using the product altogether.
Consider consulting a dermatologist or an allergist if you have a severe or persistent reaction.
No matter what product you use no skincare product should cause burning or stinging, particularly for a prolonged period.