Have you tried the timeless Nivea Creme yet? As someone who loves skincare, I recently had the chance to explore this iconic product from Nivea, and I must say, it’s a classic for a good reason. This cream has been a favorite for many years, and I finally understand why.

Join me as I take you through a detailed review of Nivea Creme, covering its benefits, how to use it, and much more. Whether you’re new to this product or a long-time fan, there’s plenty to discover about why Nivea Creme remains a top choice for so many.

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Product Review:

  • Use/Where: Body Cream for face, hands and body
  • Effectiveness: highly moisturising & hydrating
  • Rate: 4.5/5
  • Price: from 2 to 10 (depending on ml)
  • Where to purchase:

Overview of Nivea

Overview of Nivea

Nivea, a renowned skincare brand established in 1882, has been a household name for generations. Known for its commitment to quality and innovation, Nivea offers a wide range of skincare solutions tailored to meet diverse needs.

From moisturizers to cleansers and beyond, Nivea products are crafted with a blend of tradition and modern science, ensuring effective results and gentle care for the skin.

Nivea Creme: Product Details

Nivea Creme: Product DetailsNivea Creme is more than just a moisturizing cream; it’s a proven skincare product known for its effectiveness and versatility. With shea butter in its formula, it provides deep nourishment and hydration, leaving your skin softer and more supple.

It’s suitable for all skin types, making it a reliable choice for anyone needing daily moisture.

Moreover, Nivea’s recent switch to packaging Nivea Creme in containers made from 80% recycled aluminum shows its dedication to sustainability.

This eco-friendly move helps reduce waste and lowers the product’s environmental impact, which is very important in today’s market.

By using recycled materials, Nivea takes active steps towards a greener future while still ensuring the high quality of their well-known skincare products.

Benefits of Nivea Creme

Benefits of Nivea Creme

Nivea Creme offers an amazing skincare experience with its rich and creamy texture that spreads smoothly across the skin. It provides instant relief from dryness and effectively restores the skin’s moisture balance.

Enriched with shea butter, a key ingredient known for its moisturizing properties, this creme deeply nourishes the skin, leaving it feeling supple and rejuvenated after each application.

One of its standout features is its quick absorption, which ensures that the skin feels hydrated without any greasy residue, making it suitable for daily use on the face, hands, and body.

Here are the benefits of Nivea Creme summarized in bullet points:
  • Deeply moisturizes and hydrates the skin.
  • Rich and creamy texture for smooth application.
  • Restores moisture balance effectively.
  • Enriched with shea butter for softening and smoothing the skin.
  • Leaves skin feeling supple and rejuvenated.
  • Absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy residue.
  • Suitable for daily use on the face, hands, and body.
  • Provides immediate relief from dryness.
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
  • Helps maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

How to Use Nivea Creme

How to Use Nivea Creme

To maximize the benefits of Nivea Creme, start with clean, dry skin. Take a small amount of the cream and gently massage it into your skin using circular motions. This helps the cream to absorb fully and evenly. Wait a few minutes for it to fully penetrate the skin before applying makeup or going to bed.

By incorporating Nivea Creme into your daily skincare regimen, you can maintain soft, hydrated skin that feels nourished and protected all day long.

Personal Experience

Nivea Creme: Product Details -personal experienceIn my personal experience, Nivea Creme has been an essential part of my skincare routine for years. Whenever my skin feels dry or rough, I rely on its rich formula to provide instant relief and deep hydration. The gentle scent adds a comforting touch, making the application so pleasant.

Over time, I’ve noticed significant improvements in how smooth and healthy my skin looks. It absorbs quickly without feeling greasy, which is perfect for daily use. Nivea Creme has earned its place as a trustworthy companion for keeping my skin soft and glowing.

Now let’s quickly look at the pros and cons.

Pros and Cons


  • Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Contains shea butter for enhanced hydration.
  • Absorbs quickly without greasiness.
  • Suitable for all skin types.


  • It may be too rich for oily or acne-prone skin types.
  • The scent may be too strong for sensitive individuals.

But would I recommend it still? Hell yeah absolutely!

As previously mentioned, Nivea Creme is a beloved moisturizing cream that has stood the test of time since its inception. Enriched with shea butter, it deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.

The creme is now packaged in containers made from 80% recycled aluminium, reflecting Nivea’s commitment to sustainability and reducing environmental impact—a commendable step towards a greener future.

Recommendation and Importance of Sustainability

Recommendation and Importance of Sustainability

I highly recommend Nivea Creme to anyone seeking a reliable moisturizer that delivers effective results. Its timeless formulation and dedication to sustainability make it a standout choice in the skincare industry.

By choosing Nivea Creme, you not only care for your skin but also contribute to a more sustainable future through eco-friendly packaging and responsible ingredient sourcing.

Nivea Creme product review


In conclusion, Nivea Creme has earned its reputation as a skincare essential, offering unparalleled hydration and nourishment for generations.

Whether you’re looking to soothe dryness, enhance skin softness, or simply indulge in a classic beauty ritual, Nivea Creme is a versatile companion that exceeds expectations.

Embrace the tradition of well-nourished skin with Nivea Creme and experience the timeless beauty it has to offer. If you think this cream is for you head here for purchase!

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