How to keep your hands hydrated during winter? The Best Advice

The cold winter is hard on your hands. In June, your hands are smooth, supple, and soft. By December, they can become extra dry, chapped, and rough. Gosh, how annoying and frustrating that can be! At least for me, and I’m assuming that it’s the same for you too LOL 😀 But don’t worry, in this blog post, we are going to explain how to keep your hands hydrated during winter.

I can’t say it enough – but OUR hands are some of the most important parts of our body that need to be looked after. It is indeed one of our most valuable assets. We do pretty much everything with our hands. Therefore, it is normal that they need to be taken care of especially in cold weathers.

By looking after them, you’ll be able to keep them healthy, resilient, and beautiful. First, let us take a look at what are the main causes of dry hands.

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Main causes of dry hands

Dry hands are common, and they can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Let’s list them down:

*Washing hands:

When you wash your hands often, you are stripping the natural oils that are present on your skin, causing your hands to become dry.


A dry climate, for example, can contribute to dry hands.

You may notice that your skin becomes dry during the colder months. According to some experts, hands can become dry due to climate changes, particularly cold weather that provides little moisture in the air. As the air becomes drier, the skin loses moisture.

Among the other reasons are exposure to chemicals and medical conditions.

Where does the main blame lie?

There might be two answers.

1. Weak barrier
2. Lack of moisture

1. Well, the first thing to consider is whether you have a strong or weak barrier

According to a study conducted by WebMD, the strength of our skin barrier plays a big role in how well our hands can withstand winter’s harsh conditions.

Oils, lipids, and proteins make up the skin barrier. Your genes play an important role in how well your skin is protected.

The weaker your barrier, the more prone you are to have sensitive skin symptoms such as itching, inflammation, and eczema. For instance, in winter, it is more likely that your hands will become very dry.

2. The second one is that it might be that there is a lack of moisture.

It is common for the outside air to become extremely humid during the winter months. Heating indoors makes things even dryer. You could lose any natural oils remaining in your skin if you frequently wash your hands and do not moisturize afterwards. The result can be cracked, peeling, and extremely dry hands.

For more insights about the causes of dry hands, check the article here.

Keeping your hands hydrated during winter can help a lot. As for how to do it, they are quite straightforward. So, below are some of the recommendations to keep your hands hydrated in winter. So, let’s start!

Recommended treatments

How to keep your hands hydrated during winter?

Despite this, there are a few ways to hydrate your hands 🙂

-Wash your hands with warm water

Use mild soap, use warm water instead of hot, pat your hands dry, and apply moisturizer as soon as possible to protect your hands while you protect your health.

-The most important thing is to moisturize! Moisture, moisture, moisture!

Replacing the moisture your skin is missing is the key to treating parched, scaly hands. Drinking water won’t accomplish that, experts say.

Use a moisturizer before your hands show signs of dryness for the best prevention. Moisturizing your hands can reduce dryness and protect them from irritation.

Using a moisturizer directly on your skin prevents your skin from evaporating water, keeping it healthy and dewy. But is it enough to moisturise only once? Check out the next point 🙂

-Moisturise frequently throughout the day

It is not enough to apply a moisturizer once a day. According to experts, that’s probably enough protection for about five minutes.

causes of dry hands-

The effects of moisturisers last longer if you apply them more frequently. Several applications a day, says Marmur, will keep you protected longer.

It is recommended that you practice what experts call “good product placement.” In addition to keeping small sizes in your purse, gym bag, and on your desk, keep big bottles in your bathroom. Your hands should be hydrated at all times.

Of course, medications may be needed if the cause is an underlying condition such as eczema. It is recommended that you seek medical advice in this case.

-Choose the Right Moisturiser

Almost all drugstores sell hand creams and body lotions. When it comes to keeping your skin soft and hydrated, it is recommended to focus on two types of ingredients: emollients and humectants.

On the surface of the skin, emollients act as lubricants. The dead skin cells that are left behind are also held in place by the fluids that fill the crevices of cells in the process of being shed and that helps the edges of the dead skin cells stick together.

Emollients are most likely responsible for the slippery feeling you get after applying a moisturizer. To keep skin soft, smooth, and pliable, search for ingredients such as lanolin and jojoba oil to name a few. choosing the right moisturiser

Water is drawn from the environment to the skin’s surface by humectants, increasing the skin’s water content. Among the common humectants are hyaluronic acid, glycerol, urea, and lactic acid.

Why not shop some of the most recommended products for dry, sensitive skin: CeraVe Reparative Hand Cream & Vaseline Dry Hand Cream

The key point is to — Use a quality moisturizing cream or lotion several times a day. By using lotions and creams, you can restore your skin’s moisture and seal it back in.

-Keep your nails hydrated

Keep your cuticles and nails hydrated by applying hand cream or lotion. As with the skin of the hands, nails can become dry.

-Wear gloves

When washing dishes or immersing your hands in water frequently, consider wearing gloves. Wearing gloves protects your skin from being stripped of its natural oils by water.

Using a petroleum-based moisturizer such as Vaseline or lotion at night can help relieve dry hands. Wear soft gloves or socks afterwards to protect your hands.

When you trap the moisturizer, it will absorb more fully into your skin and you will wake up with smooth, baby-soft hands.

Also, make sure to repeat it before you go to bed since overnight treatment of your hands is recommended.

Additional tips

how to keep your hands hydrated during winter

*Use of oils and massage

Massaging your hands actually helps your hands a lot. It nourishes and hydrates them! Of course, you’ll have to choose a good moisturiser and oil. Some good massage oils are Almond, Jojoba and Sweet Almond Oil.

*Consider a Humidifier

Your skin can also benefit from using a humidifier. High humidity levels will not only soothe your super dry hands but also dry itchy skin all over your body (including chapped lips) and stuffed-up noses.

It is important to maintain the appliance (and clean it) regularly, so the air is not contaminated with bacteria or mould.

How to keep your hands hydrated during winter? The Best Advice

As we have seen, it is not difficult to keep your hands hydrated during winter. It is pretty straightforward! But most importantly, moisturise your hands often! Don’t forget to give your hands the love and care that they deserve!

Thanks for reading and if you have any questions, drop them down below and I’ll be happy to answer as always 😉

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