reasons why pimples refill after being popped

Pimples are common, and we all get the urge to pick at them every once in a while. But in an attempt to get rid of it, some pimples reappear after being pooped on, and you might be wondering why.

Well guys before diving into this topic, let’s start by explaining how pimples form.

How do pimples form?

Pimples form when cells surrounding hair follicles stick together. This can lead to a plug forming, clogging your pores.

Many factors can cause this reaction to occur, including allergic reactions, hormones, bacteria, and naturally occurring oils.

Generally, pimples come in three basic forms:

type of pimple - blackhead


type of pimple - whitehead


type of pimple - pustules


Can we pop these pimples when they occur?

Experts generally suggest that it is not a good idea to pop your own pimples. The reason being is that you may pop a pimple incorrectly, which can lead to further complications and damage to the skin. There are however ways to pop a pimple safely. We’ll come back to it later.

Additionally, even though it is not fully recommended, it may be too tempting not to. And after you’ve done so, you may start to notice those pimples you pooped on coming back again.

Let’s find out why.

Reasons why pimples refill after pooping them:

Reasons why pimples refill after pooping them

*The main reason why pimples may refill is that the surface of the pimple has not healed. When you look at the skin, it appears healed when it is not.

Here are some of the symptoms of a pimple that might not have healed.

1. You see a white head. If you see a white or yellow head that reminds you of a pimple, then you know that you still have whiteheads.

2. You see a clogged zit. Sometimes pimples may have clogged swelling of the pores that need to be squeezed out.

Other reasons include:

*Popping pimples incorrectly – Leaving pimples that leave bacteria behind

By not being able to pop a pimple, you are less likely to get all of it out. Therefore, you may leave the gross stuff on your face, where bacteria might grow deeper into the pore.

These pimples that you pooped will reappear quickly and might even get more severe, and new pimples might form.

*Putting too much pressure when popping them.

Pimples typically clear up quickly, but they might refill again if you pressure or pick them. By applying pressure or squeezing a pimple, you can push bacteria deeper into your skin. Consequently, a pimple might recur quickly, last longer, and take longer to heal.

If you constantly press, scratch, and squeeze your skin, you can also irritate nearby skin, causing an even more inflamed look and greater appearance.

Popping pimples: what are the consequences? 

*You could suffer permanent scarring. popping pimples what are the consequences

It is possible to cause permanent acne scarring by popping pimples and breaking the skin barrier. Popping an infected pimple can spread bacteria into other pores and hair follicles, resulting in an even more severe outbreak of acne.

As a result of popping a pimple, you could also delay your body’s natural healing process, causing you to have even longer-lasting blemishes says the American Academy of Dermatology.

-You can also develop permanent dark marks on your skin also known as ‘post-inflammatory’ hyperpigmentation.

The American Academy of Dermatology describes this as a dark patch that forms on healed blemishes. Although darker skinned people seem more susceptible to this process, anyone can experience it. Those with lighter skin sometimes develop red patches instead of darker ones.

*Pimple popping can also result in depressed scars known as pits.

Whenever your skin is damaged, there’s a chance that, as it heals, the tissue will be lost, which is how you get pitted or depressed scarring says esthetician Palmer.

Worst case scenario *Popping pimples may cost your life.

Although it is pretty unlikely that a popping pimple will lead to a lethal infection, it is possible to get infected blood into the brain by popping pimples at a certain spot.

Dermatologists advise their patients not to pop pimples in the area between the corners of their mouths and the bridge of their noses.

What can I do to prevent this?

Simple, let the pimple heal by itself.

Popping pimples is like scratching an open wound. But as long as you don’t mess with your pimples and let them heal on their own, it is less likely to happen.

Your body uses this natural mechanism to combat acne and clogged pores. You may be triggering this healing process when you pop a pimple yourself.

We need to allow your skin to heal itself and don’t make it worse by creating a second wound.

Nevertheless, some people cannot resist popping a pimple when they see a pimple and trust me, I’m no exception.

Considering people’s approaches to pimples, experts came up with a safe way to remove pimples based on their type. Check the quick guide provided by

In case of doubt, it is wise not to try. Alternatively, if you would like to get rid of them quickly, you may consult an expert and explore your options. 

Related: I think you also might consider looking at the article below 😉

*Do Pimple patches work? All you need to know 

To conclude, it’s important to be patient when dealing with pimples. It is not wise to try to pop a pimple on your own if you are unsure. This is because not only will it refill fairly quickly, but it can cause more damage to your skin, as discussed.

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