developing spots, breakouts, pimples after washing your face

This article will identify what may be one of the most controversial yet confusing issues as to why your face develops more spots or pimples right after you wash it.

Face washing:

washing your face incorrectly can cause breakouts

Washing your face every day seems like a fairly straightforward task, but many people are often unaware that they are washing their face incorrectly and don’t realize it.

Skin conditions such as breakouts, irritation, and clogged pores can be caused by careless routines, such as incorrectly washing your face. You will likely be more confused by this since washing your face is considered a priority to basic hygiene. It is in fact a routine that is essential despite how busy you may be with your personal life.

However, if not done correctly, one of the most significant aspects of personal hygiene can further harm your skin. So, how is it that one of the most important aspects of hygiene can actually do more harm than good if not done properly? We’ll explore why in the next section.

How does washing your face cause harm?

Of course, having your face washed incorrectly probably won’t do anything serious to your skin, but it’s something you don’t want to do frequently.

As previously mentioned, people often wash their faces incorrectly without even realising it, resulting in undesirable skin issues. effects of washing your face incorrectly

Dr. Debra explains that when you do not wash your face properly (which means you either over wash your face or don’t wash it enough), you get clogged pores. We will touch on this later in the article. I’ll elaborate on this later in the article.

Besides, skin-care experts warn that over washing your face can be just as bad as not washing your face enough. Let’s focus our attention on over-washing your face since that is most likely what you are here to do.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the more you wash your face, the more likely you are to irritate your skin and cause breakouts.

Here’s why:

First off, we cannot stress it enough, but washing your face is a vital step in maintaining healthy skin. However, it is just as essential to use the right cleanser. If you don’t, your skin will be vulnerable.

Face washes may give the impression that they clean your face, but in reality, they drain your skin of its essential nutrients.

Due to this, many face washes leave the skin feeling squeaky clean, as well as causing breakouts. The skin feels this way because it has been deprived of all the nutrients it needs.

Natural oils our bodies produce are good for our skin because they serve as a first defence barrier against external influences. In the absence of natural oils, our skin becomes more vulnerable, which is why we may experience breakouts.

Key symptoms of over washing your face

key symptoms of over washing your face


How can this affect the skin? 

Referring back to Dr. Debra’s statement, excessive washing causes clogged pores, which in turn causes our skin to shed dead skin cells.

In addition, according to Dr Kluk there is a common process that causes all spots. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands in excess. As a result, dead skin cells accumulate in pores and block them. Our immune systems are activated when bacteria living on this material cause spots, resulting in an outbreak of inflammation that causes breakouts.

The good news is, the way you should wash your face really depends on what cleanser you’re using, but most importantly, how often you wash it. Those are the two most important aspects that make the real difference

Let’s now take a look at the use of cleanser.

Aspect 1 -The use of cleanser

Generally, it has more to do with what cleanser you’re using than how frequently you wash your face. It is usually due to the use of harsh cleansers on your skin that can lead to over washing, explains Ciraldo. This is especially true for acne cleansers.

When we cleanse our skin, we remove the pollutants and irritants that it is constantly exposed to. using a proper cleanser when washing your face

Some of them however may cause your skin to dry out pretty badly. As Dr Loretta (founder of  founder of  Loretta skincare) points out, washing your face should not cause irritation as well as drying out your skin or making it itchy.

In addition, Dr Loretta notes that drying products (in this case cleansers) cause our skin to produce more oil as a means of compensating for the lack of moisture and hydration leading to further breakouts.

In particular, dry skin lacks hydration, which can affect oil levels as well as moisture levels.

This, among many other factors, can lead to acne. The latter is generally the result of dead skin bacteria and excess oil combined.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should stop using the cleanser. It may indeed be harsh.


*Cleanser for dry sensitive skin-what you need to know

How about bar soap?

Traditional bar soaps aren’t better.

Using bar soaps can irritate the skin further and disrupt the skin’s acid mantle. And many bar soaps disturb the skin’s acid mantle, causing inflammation.

Aspect 2 – Face washing: How often?

For basic hygiene, it is recommended that your face should be washed at least once a day, preferably in the evening, to remove any grime, makeup, oils, or dirt that has been trapped on your face during the day.

For better results and clearer skin, skin experts would generally recommend you wash your face twice a day – when you wake up and when you go to bed. You should also wash your face after you sweat.

The topic of whether or not to cleanse in the morning is hotly debated among skin-care experts. how many times we should wash our faces

According to Athena Hewett, founder of Monastery Skincare, we don’t need to rewash our faces in the morning since there is no makeup or sunscreen to remove.

However, Dr Loretta, believes we should cleanse our faces twice a week in order to remove the impurities that accumulate over time.

How often should I wash my face?

Perhaps it varies from person to person.

To maintain the proper balance (at least wash the face once a day for basic hygiene) while also avoiding over-washing (a minimum of two times a day is more than sufficient).

However, experts suggest that you can skip your morning face wash if your skin feels dry or flaky. Dr Ciraldo said the only reason to wash your face more than twice a day is to remove saltwater from the skin after swimming in the ocean or sweating after working out.

Solutions/Alternatives – how to repair the skin?

For your skin to start thriving on its own, it needs the right nutrients.

Providing your skin with the right nutrients will help your skin achieve its full potential! It is important to have a skincare regimen that includes vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants.

For this issue, you should look for a gentle and effective cleanser that is especially designed for dry sensitive skin.


In conclusion, we’ve seen how important it is to wash your face correctly. A common mistake that people make is either over washing their faces or using harsh cleansers. Make sure you have a good balance between washing your face twice a day in the morning and at night (although this will depend on the needs of your skin) using a gentle cleanser for your dry, sensitive skin.

By doing so, you will be on your way to eradicating those annoying spots and breakouts that we often experience on our face.

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