9 key points on how to take your skincare routine to the next level

It can be intimidating and complicated to take care of your skin. You can find products in beauty stores and drugstores that claim to give you flawlessly smoother, brighter, younger skin. I know I completely get it! It is indeed confusing! But do not worry I got you! You are in the right place! Not only do we advocate simple and effective skincare, but you can find much useful information regarding skincare for dry sensitive skin (I hope :D). But how do you take your skincare routine to the next level? Let’s find out together! πŸ™‚

Skincare is simple

In other words – simplicity!Skincare is simple


You see skincare does not have to be complicated and with minimal products you can achieve healthy skin. It does not mean you have to apply hundreds of products to your skin. Instead, you can follow the 3 simple steps and incorporate more products as your knowledge increases. Check the article here about basic skincare routine. πŸ™‚

Introducing additional products – skincare concerns

If particular skin concerns arise, we may need to add additional products that target these issues specifically. Depending on the skin concern, some may need to add additional products, and others may not.

Adding more skincare products to your routine can sometimes be challenging, even if you follow the three steps. You might be worried you’ll cause more harm than good! Due to our skin’s delicate nature, we need to take extra precautions when choosing products! It is tough, but don’t worry, I understand!

Finding the right ingredients that can enhance your routine to the next level can be a challenging task on your own, even if you’re looking for a regimen that can boost your skin’s health. In this post, I will be sharing some points on how we can guide you to take your skincare routine to the next level and where you can begin.

Before we start, we’d like to remind you to never hesitate to consult a professional dermatologist or non-surgical aesthetician. They can often direct you to solutions that are more specific to your situation.

Skincare routine is simple

Let’s now see some crucial points that will help you take your skincare routine to the next level:

1. * Consider your skin type- take a look at products that are dry and sensitive skin friendly

First off, when introducing a new product into your skincare it is important to look for products that contain ingredients that are dry-sensitive friendly. This means that you need to look at products that target your skin type to give your skin the desired results.

2. *Check previous reviews from others that of course have the same skin type as you

If you are not that optimistic and need proof of a product that you want to add to your basic skincare, you can look into previous reviews by other people to see how their experience was with the product in question and whether you should consider it.

A review by others will ensure that you have the basis for understanding how the product is viewed by the public. Bare in mind that you should consider the opinion of those that have the same skin condition as you.

3. *Make sure not to use products that contain ingredients that are not compatible with each other

It is important to acknowledge that you should never mix products that are not compatible with one another. If you do so you may cause more harm than good to your skin

This is especially true when it comes to acids and products that fight acne or more severe skin issues. Also, among the products that you should not mix at the same time are retinol and vitamin C.

4. *Start with samples before using the whole pack to make sure that your skin tolerates the product

If you are still unsure about the product but still want to give it a try, you can start with samples! In addition to being efficient, most of them are free and many brands and products offer them!

5. *Try skin patch testing to see how your skin will react to the product

To help you determine how your skin will react to a certain product, the best thing to do so is to skin patch. The latter is an effective yet safe method to test a product and see how the skin reacts to it without causing any harm.

6. *Try not to incorporate a different product too quickly

Give your skin the time it needs to adapt to the product and don’t add another one immediately after. Make sure you give your skin time to adjust to the product.

It is also important to transition slowly into a new skincare routine. Slowly increase the frequency with which you use your new product. Start using it once a week, then gradually increase it.

7. *Try one product at a time and give it time to see how your skin responds

Make sure you give the product enough time to do its job on your skin.

Start slowly and give the new product at least one or even 2 weeks and then gradually increase it as your skin gets used to the product

8. *Listen to your skin by paying attention to how it reacts to the product

Always remember to listen to your skin. It will tell you whether a product is right for you or not. Look out for inflammation, irritation or even a feeling of a burning sensation. If it persists stop using the product altogether.

9. *And the last point it is important to be patient and give the product time to start improving your skin

It is natural to want instant results but applying direct acids regularly will cause more damage than good.

You need to know that you shouldn’t be discouraged if you don’t see results right away. A noticeable change usually takes between one and two months. It will take time, but if you keep putting in the effort, it will pay off!

Have fun experimenting with your skin! πŸ™‚

These are some of the most crucial points you should consider when wanting to introduce a new skincare product into your routine to take your skincare to the next level!

When should you keep or not a new product?

When should you keep or not a new product

When it comes to skincare products, you can usually tell if they’re for you or not pretty quickly. When you experience dryness, flakiness, or redness, you should stop using it.

The question then arises, what if a whole bottle has been used up yet you still have wrinkles, acne scars, or pigmentation?

Keep in mind that these things can take some time to get rid of, and they are not always 100% effective. In other words, does your skin feel healthy and balanced? Have you noticed a brighter and more radiant appearance?

In general, I try to stick to products that moisturize my skin and make it look radiant and glowing and stop using the product if it causes pimples and breakouts. I only change my skincare routine when I’m breaking out badly.

To recap the 9 key points discussed:

9 key points on how to take your skincare routine to the next level

The following 9 points are largely based on my personal experience and I have seen how they have helped me introduce new skincare products into my routine. When in doubt, try to consult your dermatologist or aesthetician. What are your thoughts? Drop a comment down below πŸ™‚

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